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This One Tool Will Drastically Change Your Stress Level
One of my new favorite tools came from Mel Robbins, and, as she told the story on a podcast interview, it was actually a lesson from her...
Stop Relying on Outside Sources to Make You Happy: How to Give Yourself What You Want
When I was 5, I was finally old enough to understand the true meaning of Christmas: gifts from the Sears Wish Catalog. I was mature...
Story Fondling, How Caressing Your Past Can Damage Your Future
fon·dle, /ˈfänd(ə)l/ verb: stroke or caress lovingly I'd only heard the word fondle in the context of body parts until my life coach...
Do THIS When Life Knocks You Down
We were in the Waffle House Sunday when my teenage son pointed out the song playing. It was Chumbawumba's I get knocked down. The four...
10 Steps to Transform Your "Just a Job" into Your Calling
I've been reading a lot of positive psychology books to understand a) how to have more joy in my life b) how much agency we humans...
Is Resistance Keeping You From Accomplishing Your Dreams?
Why can't I finish writing my book I started 4 years ago? Why won't clients follow their callings, especially when they're miserable in...
Are You An Anxious Mess? 11 Tricks to Stop Anxiety from Sabotaging your Career and Happiness
Fear gets a lot of press as being the bad guy keeping you stuck in job you hate because you can't take a leap into the unknown. Anxiety,...
Why You Shouldn't Jump Off the Struggle Bus into Oncoming Traffic (yet)
I hear from a lot of you who are on the struggle bus. Marriage, kids, job: they all seem to win us a ride on the struggle bus. Very few...
What's Wrong With Me? Getting to the Root of Your Job Dissatisfaction
Have you ever found yourself asking, "What is wrong with me?" And then you turn around and blame your work dissatisfaction on external...
How to Use Self-Compassion to Heal Burnout
I've been binging on podcasts featuring interviews with Kristen Neff, a self-compassion researcher. You may have heard her powerful Ted...
When Dreams Crash and Burn
For the last 10 days, someone near and dear to me has been struggling with inner demons. This person thought they wanted a dream. They...
Getting out of the Bog of Past and Current Thoughts
The theme of my life coaching is helping clients get unstuck. Most clients know they feel trapped or stuck, but they don't usually know...
How to make decisions based on your intuition vs letting your "Inner Manager" make the call
For those women or men out there who have trouble making a decision or knowing which way is the "right" way, this episode is for you. ...
Your Permission Slip to Rest and Do Nothing
Some days, I don’t feel like doing anything. I'm starting to question why my brain can label this a bad thing. Sometimes we need to...
Money, Food, Time: Connecting the dots on how these 3 are the reason you're staying stuck
Mindsets, what are they anyway? As simple as it sounds: your mindset is how your mind is set on something and you probably don’t even...
It's 2/2/22! How is this day going to be different than any other day?
Have you ever had the thought that this day in history is never happening again? This happened to me while writing today's date in my ...
Woo-woo Stuff that Actually Works!
One word: Mantras. Mantras aren’t part of a particular religion, they’re not Buddhist or Hindu. They cross all religions, even ...
Get your boodie in gear for the new year with a new way of looking at resoloutions
I love this time of year. No broken resolutions yet and my goals are still dangling like ripe fruit in front of me, waiting for me to...
Baby, I'm Worth It
I love reviewing the end of the year and the start of a new one by going over all the things that happened, good and bad, and thinking...
Quick Questions to Determine What's (or Who's) No Longer a Good Fit in Your Life
I’m reading a book about walking the Camino, a pilgrimage trail in Spain that takes 35-40 days to walk. The descriptions of ill-fitting...
My BIG Announcement
Here's my story. So, as most of you know, I've been a Physician Assistant for almost 20 years. I first worked in internal medicine and...
Small Steps to Mighty Wins
We recently returned from a trip to Oregon. We spent 5 nights on a river. We normally car camp maybe once or twice a year, so 5 nights of...
Get off the Default Bus Route
We teach what we need. So I hope you don’t judge me when I tell you I’ve been stuck so many times, it’s become a joke in our family. Now,...
10 Steps for Managing Modern Day Cortisol
If you’re in survival mode with the stressors of parenting, work, and all the other things in your life, how can you keep your head above...
The Dangers of Self-Confirming Bias
I was listening to a podcast and heard one of my favorite self-help authors talking about how we tend to look for evidence to support our...
How to Automate and Optimize Your Home Life
Part of moving forward on your journey will be to identify and clear away the obstacles in your path. Obstacles could be big things like...
Why are you discontent? A simple exercise for pinpointing the cause and steps to solve it!
I don't hide the fact that I'm addicted to self-improvement podcasts and books. I calculated that over the last 10 years, I've read over...
Who's in there and what's she waiting on to come out?
I posted a quote on my newsletter from a book I'm reading by Martha Beck. The book is called the way of integrity. In this book,...
Who/What is your "boy next door"?
When I interviewed Suzanne Kingsbury last week, she said she felt like writing was like falling in love with the boy next door. She’d...
Visualize and Implement Change or Shut up
Okay, on Saturday, you heard my interview with Talia Sierra and Heidi Brown, aka the Burnout Girls. I think it was Heidi who said you...
Open to Possibility
Sometimes we need to be open to life to allow it to happen. Happiness is there and accessible if we can stop planning, making lists, and...
7 Steps to Cultivating Stillness and Listening to Your Intuition
When I interviewed Debra Alt last week, she spoke about listening to your intuition. She said we should practice cultivating stillness...
Never Let a "No" Be a Dead End
I interviewed Beatriz Buarque last week about resilience and not letting go of her dream of working for Globo TV from the time she was a...
Girl, Choose Yourself!
Heather B Johnston talked in our interview last week about how she "chose herself" over and over while recovering from burnout. She knew...
Self-Doubt Susan
Last week when I interviewed Shannon Ball, she talked about self-doubt. She said she's always had self-doubt. Each step of the way. But...
My Story of Losing and Finding My Voice
Children should be seen and not heard was a frequent refrain growing up. I'm sure my mother copied it from her mother, who was born in...
Love Buckets
I like to refer to our love languages as our love buckets. I would say "love tanks" but I drive an electric car and my husband rides his...
The Complain Game, Ego's Favorite Way to Stay STUCK
Part of this journey we're on involves moving past ourselves. We're in our own way. How often do you complain about things or people? ...
Before you quit your job, read this!
Why is it we think we should quit our jobs when we stop feeling excited and energized? Do we get bored once the learning curve flattens...
I've Got a Story, You've Got a Story, We've All Got a Story to Tell
When I was a PA student, Emory organized clinical rotations for us during our second year. For those of us who'd agreed to go back and...
Reconnect with the 7-year-old You
I went on a yoga retreat a couple of years ago. We had a wonderful guided meditation where the instructor told us to visualize our...
2021, You Decide How it's Going to Go
Let's start with a visioning exercise. Imagine one year from now. You're sitting at home and reflecting on the year. You sigh...
Happy(?!) New Year
We're all happy to say goodbye to 2020 but not everyone is excited about 2021, either. The holiday season is a rough time of year for...
Fake it
Want to be a different version of you? What's stopping you? There are probably a million and one things stopping you. We're quick to come...
Surrender Experiment at Work
I'm reading Michael Singer's Surrender Experiment. It's written like an autobiography and chronicles his life of surrendering over and...
Sneaky Ways Your Battery is Getting Drained and How to Stop it.
I wrote previously about "range anxiety" with my Leaf, but today I want to talk about the battery. I have an electric Leaf named Fred...
How to Overcome the Bony Grip of Fear Around Your Ankles
I dreamt last night about snakes. In my dream, two dark brown snakes had wrapped themselves around my ankles, one on each side. I...
Range Anxiety, Testing the Limits of Your Comfort Zone
I drive a Leaf. Yep, one of those little electric cars. No, it's not a hybrid. Yes, I have to plug it in at night. Yes, I even drive it...
What is Real? Do you Feel Real? A Lesson From the Velveteen Rabbit
"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when he and the Skin Horse were lying side by side near the nursery fender?" ... "Real isn't...
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